Friday, 7 March 2014

I told you they were quick!

Look what we have here...

A lovely soft, squidgy, delight-filled package from 

(trumpet fanfare please!)

Ordered a little before 9am yesterday, after much dressmakey-dithering and dreaming from the comfort of my own chair, this arrived with Mr Postie this very morning!

The Family Reunion dress can be made this weekend, as planned.

(Ooops...You may have spotted that the red fabric and pattern for those are not all that I purchased.  A certain little something slipped in the online basket for me, that lovely Palos Verde 'Miraleste' I've been hankering after.  Well, it'd be silly to waste the £2.75 flat rate postage on just two items...)

So that's me sorted for the weekend!


  1. Lots of things jump into my basket too, on-line ones in particular. Have a good weekend.

  2. That was incredibly good service. I'm looking forward to your reveal.

  3. Very impressive delivery time. Look forward to seeing the dress. Have a good weekend. Lovely and sunny here this afternoon. Abby x

  4. Hope that you have a lovely weekend of sewing. xx
