Thursday, 5 January 2012

A Little Bit of Shopping

I'm not much of a shopper, but yesterday 
(to reward myself for having sorted the curtains out)
 I had a very nice outing to Dorking.  

Dorking is about three-quarters of an hour away, so not normally somewhere I'd go, but I was heading for one shop in particular...

...The Quilt Room, which is owned by Pam and Nicky Lintott, who have written many lovely quilting books such as this one, which I was lucky enough to have for Christmas last year...

...and many desirable others...


All images from The Quilt Room

The drive to Dorking is a very pleasant one, taking me onto the Hogs Back and then through pretty villages such as Compton...

Albury, with its amazing chimneys...

and Westcott, with its thatched bus-stop and dovecote...

...but as the weather was miserable I didn't stop to take photos!

Once inside The Quilt Room, I was in heaven!
So many gorgeous fabrics - I could have spent a fortune (if I had one!)

I had gone to get fabric to back the quilt I made this time last year (from the 'Two from One Jelly Roll Quilts' book). 

After much browsing, I chose this one...

'Whitewash Fabric' by Meg Hawkey for Lecien 'Hope Chest'
It comes in a very desirable red colourway too!

I love the mock cross-stitch and monograms .

I also needed some fabric for a commission I have been asked to do, and think this might be good...

A Sevenberry design - not sure what it is called, but it's very fine with a delicate stripe to it.
As the commission is for a dress for a very special antique doll, I think it may be suitable!

Unfortunately, there was a bit of a queue at the till and somehow a Cabbages and Roses Layer Cake called Northcote came to be in my basket by the time I paid...

Shopping done, I headed down the pretty and historic High Street...

...and then down West Street, which is chock-a-block full of antiques shops, and had looked oh-so-tempting on the way in.

There was also this, which I felt had to be investigated...


...home of Gillian Gladrag, well known in the crafty world for her colourful felting kits and designs and for this book...

Thanks for the pic!

I did buy a lovely sheet of unusual coloured felt, and some felt balls, and would like to return there another day, when I am looking for something yarny or felty to do.

Pretty, pretty colour

The antique shops all looked so tempting, with fabulous window displays.  Needless to say, they did not photograph well, but I'll include a few, just to give a hint of the treasures to be found there.

Beautiful filing trays and desk accessories

The green bench took all my attention, so I didn't even see the riding boots and trees, so like my own (but rather shabbier). Sweet little chair too!

Can you see the 'His Master's Voice' dog with the gramophone?   The rest of that window was filled with vintage, Bakelite phones - all very desirable.

As darkness fell, I wended my way home.  Today, the quilt has acquired a layer of old blanket and the backing fabric.  This evening I shall be sitting underneath it, getting started on some hand-quilting.

A good way to keep warm, as the weather has become rather chillier with this howling wind!


  1. Thanks for a great post- I have to visit a friend in Sutton tomorrow and I was at a loss for something to do on Saturday- I will be off to Dorking on your recommendation!
    All the best

  2. Oh yes, I like Dorking very much. We have friends who live very near by. Lots of charity shops too (sorry, I'm obsessed!). xx

  3. Thank you for sharing your day. Dorking looks lovely. I have never been there despite having lived nearby in my younger days! Lizzie

  4. What a lovely place with fabulous shops. Love your choice of fabrics.
    Carol xx

  5. The quilt is lovely just today I was thinking of the pleasure you get whilst hand quilting. I was driving home from work down the motorway - I was driving carefully. Dorking looks like a super place to visit yarny felty goodness, fabric treats, antique shops and charity shops - oh heavenly.

  6. How lovely to be there and find what you wanted.
    Happy New Year & hoping we meet for our delayed trip soon xx

  7. Loved your post and must get to Dorking sometime. Hubby came from Surrey so we do manage to get back sometimes. Have also checked out Geograph too.

  8. Lovely fabric for the quilt backing...what a beautiful little place...thanks for sharing:)

  9. We have been invited to lunch in Farnham next month, and your post has just reminded me that I want to visit the Watts Memorial Chapel in Compton when I am over. I feel a post coming on!!!

  10. Sounds like a perfect day! Looks like you are going to be busy over the next few months!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  11. My favorite craft store always has long lines and while I wait things keep jumping into my basket, I think the store does it intentionally.
    Dorking looks fabulous!
