Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Did you hear me scream?

The pattern...

Note to self: asymetrical patterns to be avoided in future...

The problem: cutting out nightmare!  I forgot to pay attention to which way up the fabric should be.

Result:  I might end up with a dress like this now...

Big oooops!
I'm hoping I can squeeze the bits out to get it right.  Fingers crossed!

{It got me thinking - why do ladies' clothes have buttons on the left, and men's on the right?  By the marvels of Google, I now know that it is from the days of yore, when men dressed themselves, but women were considered too feeble to manage this task - well too feeble if they had money enough for servants.  So as most people are right-handed, buttons were on the right for men, who'd be attending to the buttons themselves, and on the left for women, so their servant could easily accomplish this onerous task.  So now, if I build my dress in reverse, I will say I am striking out for equal opportunities - why should my buttons be harder to do than a man's?}


  1. whaaaaaa! I've done this so often I can't tell you, rushing into a project....

    That is so interesting about the button thing, I've often (as I just said) ended up with them the other way round, and it feels quite weird now!

  2. Love those dresses and very interesting 'buttoning up' fact. Thanks! M x

  3. Oh Alix, how annoying but it's something most of us mere mortals have done. Not quite paying enough attention. Do let us know how the dress turns out. The pattern looks fab. Failing all else, get a servant! x

  4. Well I never knew that fact so thank you ! I think I know why men wore swords on their left... or was it their right ? also why men traditionally face outwards at a table in a restaurant ( Personally, I like to face outwards to see what's going on ! )

    How on earth did you do that dress photo reversed ?

    1. Ooh - I don't know about the swords, though I'm guessing it might be related to why we drive on the left. The reversed dress, the actual thing or the picture? The picture was done by importing it into 'Paint' and flipping it, which makes me feel quite clever. The reversed actual dress was done by having the fabric wrong side up and the pattern pieces right side up, and makes me feel like the idiot I am! Luckily I have managed to sort it out - phew!

  5. Hi Alix,I received my goodies today thank you they are all lovely,little broach is now on my jacket.Will use everything that you sent me,thanks again.Love Jill xx

    1. Glad it arrived and that you were pleased with it! Thanks for blogging about it too!
