Tuesday, 5 July 2011

What's the collective noun for hollyhocks?

Because if there is one, you could certainly use it in my Mum's garden, where I spent another pleasant summer's afternoon at the weekend!  I'll let them speak for themselves...

Still having a rootle and stitching...


  1. So strange you should post this, we were driving back from Farnham yesterday and I said I don't think I've seen so many Hollyhocks in years!

  2. Your lucky mum. I'm really envious as I'd love to grow them but thet aren't keen on our damp climate here in the north. Do your mum's beauties suffer with rust?

  3. There is a wee bit of rust on one of the ones I photographed, but most of them seem to have escaped! My Mum is always commenting that it never rains in her garden though!

  4. These are beautiful. I mean to plant some every year but keep forgetting. My garden is just green at the moment!

  5. Beautiful flowers - the colours are wonderful!

  6. Just beautiful. I grew some two years ago but they didn't survive the winter.
